A few weeks ago I wrote a post on this blog where I tried to argue that we must take our blogging activity like a business. Yes, blogging is serious business.
Below, I have listed 5 stages or events that if you succeed in going through one or two or three of them, then you should be a role model.
Maybe, this is just my measurement, but it adds up to help you see where you are at the moment and where you should be heading to.
Here are five things you should strive to achieve as a blogger in the next four years of your blogging career…
1. Build your blog into a national or international brand name.
What makes your blog different from Mashable, Lifehacker or Zen habits? I bet you, nothing much. Ok, maybe it’s the dream of the owners when they began.
It’s actually a fact, whatever you don’t dream you don’t achieve. You should challenge yourself to build an international brand blog within the next 4 years
2. Be Interviewed in CNN or Aljazeera or Oprah Winfey show or any other international media house where you are talking about your blog.
If Uche, a Nigerian blogger for that matter, could be featured on these media houses, why not you?
Now the question is, do you think your current and present blogging strategy and branding can get you a seat there?
Don’t rush off and start a new blog. You may need to re-strategize your present blogging activity. The question you should ask yourself is, if I continue doing what I am doing now, the way I am doing it, will it earn me an interview on CNN in the next 4 years?
3. Sell 10,000 copies of your eBook in Warrior forum as a WSO.
This is much easier so why not. The guys who sell on the number one internet marketing forum are not different than you. Ok, maybe they took some time to learn their ropes, good. But what about you? Aren’t you going to sell stuff there too?
So begin now to think. Process whatever you are learning now and be jotting them down. In the next 4 years or after four years from now, you should be able to accomplish this.
4. Have a membership site with at least 1000 paying members
Now imagine the joy of having 1000 members who pay $17 into your membership system every month. I bet, it’ll be only a couple of months before you become a millionaire.
If others can do this, why can’t you?
You may not be there yet, but why not dream about it. It will make you start working on yourself at the moment to learn and build your authority
5. Have a List Size of at least 250,000.
If you are not building a list, you are wasting time. You haven’t really started blogging. My goal in this first year of blogging is clear. Not to make money. But to build a list of 10,000 subscribers.
If you can cross the first 10,000, it’s only a matter of little more tweaks and you could have that list size.
For me, I take a blogger with that number of list to be a role model.
I’m sure you know there are hundreds of bloggers who have triple those list sizes. But the question is, have you started building a list yet?
Or better put, how many people would you want in your list in the next 4 years?
Have a Long Beach Holiday with other Bloggers with a sitting US president as a visiting guest.
This is indirect way of saying, you should plan to be so successful that you will eat and dine with other successful webpreneurs and travel round the world.
That’s not a bad idea,huh?
These are lofty goals, right? Of course.
The truth is I haven’t achieved any of those goals yet. But it’s good to define yourself very well so you will know you are in serious business
Let me ask you, how far have you gone with your blogging business?
What is your goal in the next 3 or after 4 years?
Are there accomplishments you would consider great for a blogger that I haven’t listed on this post?
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